Hello people. Assalamualaikum w.b.t. :)
Actually entry kali ni saja letak gambar as pembuka cerita sebab post kali nak bercerita tentang seni fotografi. Okay. Let's roll yo!
Have you ever going through a photo shoot session? I mean with the full equipped instruments, gadgets and so on. Well, I am not being show off or anything. I wanna share my experiences as this is my first time doing this. I am beginner. Still have flaws and weaknesses.
Before proceeding. NOW PLAYING : Haunted - Taylor Swift (okay nak ambik mood haunted)
OKAY. To be honest. Orang yang first 'tembak' saya pakai DSLR ialah Don Cappuoo ( BUKAN NAMA SEBENAR). DC, if you are reading this please don't laugh okay.(Click here to see his artworks) .Tu pon masa hari raya and kelam kabut sangat. For sure, badan saya masa tu naik sebab makan banyak sangat. HOOYEAH! (Y).
Maaflah curi tak habaq noh Shaha. Tapi kita suka hat ni.
Then, the second person yang 'tembak' saya ialah Kert Za (BUKAN NAMA SEBENAR). 1st time jumpak Kert Za ni muka dia macam garang. Alamak. Segan lah nak pose nanti. Masa ni buat couple shot. Dengan? Okay cerita lama. Tutup. :)
Itulah sejarah saya. Tak hebat pun. Kan saya cakap saya tak pernah involve and kurang minat sangat dalam benda benda macam ni. Tapi sekarang macam dah minat dah. Okay over. HOHO. :p Okay, let's the story begin.
17th December 2012.
Masa ni Muz ajak keluar untuk shoot. Lebih kurang macam teaser la untuk next outing. Masa ni dekat Rumah Toksu. Masa tu memang ramai gila orang shoot wedding. Semua cantik cantik kacak kacak. Kebetulan pulak Muz nak jumpak kawan dia atas sebab tertentu. So kami pun bermain-main dengan kamera di sini. Oh yaa. Saya jumpak kawan baru masa ni. Ayen, Apit, Jecp. Depa memang best la baq hang. Haha. Okay, let us see hasil 'tangkapan' oleh Muz.
More stories click,
Introducing all the talented photographers. Missing person, Hiroki. (Y)
20th December 2012.
Okay this is for real outing! Saya ajak my bestfriend teman masa ni. She's Nur Farhana Zaidi. Comel kan dia? Lama gila tak jumpak dia. Last time jumpak dia masa raya puasa haritu. T_T
Thanks Fana sebab bagi full support kat Fateen. Dia tak kisah pun berpanas kat situ. She keeps giving me support and she's the one who updating my Twitter with her 'praise-ness' words on that day. NOT ME okay! Faten is doing her photoshoot - Fana , Faten is awesomeeee - Fana :P Isn't that sweet? T_T
Paling saya tak boleh lupa, sebelum shoot tu sementara menunggu para-para photographer sampai, saya, Fana, Muz makan dekat kedai area Stadium Darulaman. Kami berdua punyalah tamak nak mati sampai order jus tembikai saiz XL. haha. Masing2 duk paksa minum eventhough jus tu manis melecaih. Sayang takda gambar gelas jus tu. Memang besar la. Tak padan dengan saiz kami. Around 2.3-0pm, we're start to move to our location. Seram habes tempat dia. Banglo tinggal. Gulp. Masa tu feeling saya memang dap dup dap dup. Well, saya ni lemah semangat. Paham paham jelah. :P
The Making of Haunted.
This concept actually was Muz's idea. He's mastermind of all this and assisted by all the photographers haritu. Without them, maybe outing ni takkan terjadi. Okay back to the story, Muz wants me to express his feeling throughout his photos. This concept reflects sorrow, frustration, lonely and want-to-be-loved of a girl. Well, to be honest. I'm the happiest person in the world bila baca ni.
It's like a great satisfaction bila dapat buat gambar seseorang photographer tu cantik. Masa ni muka duk senyum sorang sorang sampai kak pun tanya kenapa. Bila setiap gambar diambil and the words, 'Well done!', 'Nice Elfira' and the way they smiled after capturing the photos had totally give me inspiration to strike a better pose. I just don't want to let them down. Oh yes! Elfira tu nama panggilan saya masa tu. Apit bagi masa 1st time dia jumpak saya.
masa ni tengah dengar arahan and ambik feel. haha. :P
Okay, I just wanna make it a short post. But it isn't enough to framed the awesome-nesssss. And here's the outcomes.
Kert Za Photography
The Solitude of Elfira Roy
more stories and better resolution, click
Hizami Aziz Photography
Haunted V1
Haunted V2
more stories, click
Saya Najeqin Photography
more stories, click
Haa sini saya nak promote MIM Artworks. Followers and readers mai la click LIKE kat page ni. Kalau nak kaweng ambik depa jadi photographer sebab depa ni hebat hebat belako.
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p/s : Saya kenai page owner MIM Artworks, nama dia Jecp Aziz. Dia ni setai ambik gambaq wedding shoot hebat belako. Nak gambaq kaweng hampa lawa, ambik dia jadi photographer naaa?
Sekian la cerita pengalaman baru saya ni. Tschus! Auf wiedersehen. (Bye! jumpa lagi dlm bahasa German).