Sunday, May 23, 2010

why a girl must confront with PMS?whyyy!

today is a bad day fer's true.idk why must dis happened to me.i can't control my emotion.for past 2 month.i managed to control my emotion.but today,rasa ada yang taa feels like.urmm.hard to explain.everyone doesn't like me.everyone puts their blames on me.even it's not my fault.i'ts like a time bomb.waiting to explode.bila da explode mula na marah2.even it was a simple mistake.pastu,locked myself in bedroom.or take a llllllooooooooonnnnnnngggng time of bathing.hahaha.bila kena air tu rasa lega laa sikit.during this time,i am a perfectionist.eventhough i wasn't before.kerek kan?to all girls.mesti you all pon salu jadi gax en menda ni?tp saya harap you all suma bole kawal emotion.jangan jadi macam saya?oke?lepas tu.rasa risau tentang berat badan.dulu berat saya masa spm cuma 39 kg jaa.maybe tension kot sebab spm.lost apetite during that time.tapi sekarang?urmmm.da 43 kg daa.(correct at the time of posting.hee)tinggi pulak 150 cm jaa.pendek an?na menambah ketinggian mmg ta bule ah.rasa nyesal lak tinggal gymming ngn fanaa.lama ta pegi.mesti our instructor terpikir napa kami ta datang da gym tu.actually,kami bz laa lepas result.macam2 kena wat.kami mintak maaf ekk abg lan?issh.kalau saya fixed p gym kan berat saya takkan naik.kan bez tu.tapa2.maybe lepas pergi study sorg2 naty kurus laa kot.haha.oke laa.tanak lagi pk psai berat ah.ta suka kott.kalau ada sesapa ble bg tips na kurangkan berat gtau laa.i do really need it.!SOS!

'i ask fer forgiveness if i had done anything wrong to all of you.please!'

lots of love.muah.xoxo!

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