Saturday, November 2, 2013

My Unexpected 21st Birthday Celebration!

Tahu tak I terharu sangat haritu. 27 Oktober 2013, I'm officially 21 years old on that day. I don't expect for it at all. I jarang celebrate birthday and those fancy fancy things. Last I celebrate birthday yang i rasa happy sangat was on 2008 which is my last celebration with my late mum. Al-Fatihah (Sedekahkan al-fatihah kepada kesayangan yang telah pergi). After that, jarang sambut dah sebab rasa kosong kalau sambut. :(

But, for my 21st birthday celebration, I never know that my bf is planning something dengan anak anak buah dia, Fatin and Haikal. I didn't expect anything from him because we are student so selalu ada kekangan kewangan kan? Haha! So i thought there is nothing at all. He asked to go out playing squash together dengan Fatin and Haikal since they all ada training squash. So I think it's the best way nak celebrate birthday kan? Rare sikit. So he picked me up dekat hostel and we're heading to Johor Golf and Country Club dekat Larkin. Masa otw nak g situ takda pulak macam something fishy or whatever. They all act like tak tahu apa-apa. or maybe I ni jenis lambat pickup. Maybe. haha. So sambil tunggu Fatin and Haikal traning squash tu me and bf just macam biasa sembang macam takda papa. At 6 pm macam tu, they all da habis training bf cakap balik rumah kejap mandi and then go out for dinner dengan anak buah sekali. I said it's up to you. At this point pon i masih tak dapat tangkap apa-apa. Kalau dalam running man tu maybe i ni macam Kang Gary kot. True Gary. Haha! 

anyone for my match? heh

Dah sampai rumah and bf asked me to stay in the car for a while pon i masih tak dapat tangkap lagi what is he's up to. Ya Allah! Sepatutnya time tu i dah boleh catch dah. T_T. Okay okay kat situ bole nampak dah yang i ni innocent jugak di sebalik muka sombong, ganas ni. haha. Then, I just sit dekat meja makan luar. Pandai dia suruh bibik keluar sembang sbb nak divert my attention kan? Suddenly dia keluar dengan kek yang comelll and also my favorite cake sambil nyanyi lagu happy birthday yeayyyy!


Yayyy happy 21st birthday to meeee!

OH MY GOD. i was so surprised and blur right away. happy and speechless. bf saya ni sweet jugak rupanyaaa. i love you honey!

tau tak sayang nak potong cake ni.........
 Dan upacara suap menyuap pon bermula. Maafkan visual kurang jelas. Maklumlah masa ni chaos gila sebab as you can see in the pictures dia paksa nak suapkan i. Maafkan kerakusan kami. Haha!

The best part is when he's presenting my birthday gift. OMG! Fossil watch yang similar dengan dia. He said we can match it together after this. Awww nanges nangesss!

Thank you honey for the celebration.Thank you Fatin and Haikal yang jugak kelam kabut buat persiapan eceh. Thank you Kak Ujik datang bagi mcdonalds. Sayang semua! 

To my bf, i love you so much and thanks for the love,care, time and support you given me. I wanna stay with you, get married, have babies and happily ever after.

My wishlist. 

till then. xx 

saya sayang semua followers saya ♥