Assalamualaikum and hello to everybody in the house. :)
Post kali ni nak update pasal red lipstick. tiba tiba ja kan? actually masa online tadi ada tgk tutorial and some product review pasal mekap mekap ni. pastu saya macam tertarik dengan sorang model ni pakai lipstick warna merah. Taylor Swift pon suka pakai jugak lipstick warna merah. really suit her and i love it damn much. She's sexy and she knows it. aww~
okay. here's the tips for wearing red lipstick.
Match your skin tone:
True reds work best on pale face. Olive skin calls for brown-reds or mahogany shades. Also, if your teeth are yellow, a red lipstick with blue undertones will make them look whiter.
Keep other makeup subtle:
While smoky eyes and crimson lips look great for a fancy, nighttime occasion, everyday red lips should be accompanied by a subtle, natual-looking face. Subtle treatment for eyes: Apply mascara, curl lashes and keep brows well-shaped.
Apply it correctly:
Line and fill in lips with liner. Apply lipstick from the tube or using a lip brush (which eases color into tiny lip lines) over the liner. Blot once with a tissue, and lightly dust with fa
ce powder. Apply one more coat of lipstick, and you're set.
here are some example. heeeeeee. :D
can you see how the red suits them? i'm totally fall in love with red lippy. gonna try it soon. :)
I'm sexy and I know it. :)